Caring for Your Mouth After a Tooth Extraction

Having your tooth extracted is one of the most common practices in dentistry, but after that, some patients are still puzzled with lots of questions as to how to take proper care of their mouth during this aftercare period. The ways one finds to take good care of his or her mouth post-extraction will significantly reduce the discomfort and decrease the risk of complications while contributing to healing. Discovery Dental & Implants of Las Vegas wants you to be prepared for this recovery stage.

Here are the tips on how to help you control your pain and heal better after tooth extraction:

Prescribed Medications

Your dentist would most likely prescribe a pain reliever such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help control swelling and pain in case the numbing medicine wears off. Take these drugs as directed, and do not indulge in alcohol when recuperating.

Apply Cold Compresses

An ice pack applied to your cheek near where the tooth was extracted will help constrict blood vessels and reduce inflammation. Use for 10 minutes on, then 10 minutes off for the first 24 hours following surgery. Never place ice directly on the tissues.

Rinse Gently With Salt Water

Gargling with a saltwater solution, gently swabs the mouth, keeping it clean after an extraction while soothing the area. Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and swish gently. Repeat several times a day, but avoid forceful spitting.

Soft Foods

You should drink cool liquids and eat soft, cool foods during the first 24 hours: yogurt, applesauce, scrambled eggs, or soup. This way, the blood clot can heal well and not be irritated by chewing over the extraction socket.

Avoid smoking, alcohol use, and straws

These movements can dislodge the healing blood clot, and you will experience a painful complication called a dry socket. Avoid these movements for at least 24 hours and preferably 48-72 hours following your extraction.

Maintain Proper Oral Hygiene

Brush your teeth gently and clean around (but not directly over) the extraction site so as to not allow harmful bacteria to accumulate there. Use mouthwash sparingly if needed.

Be on the Look-out for Signs of Infection

See your dentist quickly if you are developing increasing swelling, severe pain, bad taste/odor, or fever – these may represent infection. Usually, antibiotics and professional cleaning are required.

Healing Time

The healing time for an extraction socket is 7-10 days. Avoid strenuous activities as much as possible and rest. Your dentist will advise you when it is okay to go back to normal activity.

We encourage you to ask all questions about your procedure and then call our Las Vegas office. Our employees will be able to provide you with information and care to ease the recovery process and have a smooth, pain-free recovery. Proper aftercare will minimize your discomfort and result in a full recovery.

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